Tigger Travels - Family Adventure Journal
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Hohensalzburg Fortress
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This area houses the States apartments, each of the rooms had fantastic wooden floors, the large central room, The "Golden Saal" (Golden Hall) once served for entertainment purposes and banqueting. This room was has 4 massive marble pillars that helped support the room. It also has a big wood bean that has painted the Austrian coats of arms. The "Hoher Stock" or keep served as the former living quarters of the prince archbishops. From the bedroom with its secret chamber you will enter the "Golden Stube" (Golden Chamber) which contains a unique, richly decorated, late Gothic tiled stove. The solve is as tall as the room and the tiles shows much of the history of the arch bishops. You can still see many of the original painted woodworks, however the tapestries are long since gone.
The Fortress Museum and Rainer Regiment Museum is a regiment of soldiers made out of medal piping. It is neat. There are also rooms showing the Austrian Army throughout the years, including battle tactics, uniforms, medals of honor and firearms. It was interesting, the only drawback was that there were not many English placards so you basically had to try and figure out what you were looking at in many areas of the museum.
0800 Europe
0800-0263 Austria
0800-0263-7038 Salzburg
0800-0263-7038-3573 Hohensalzburg Fortress
3000-5589 Museums
3000-5589-3573 Hohensalzburg Fortress Date taken: 2007 12 22 Important Links: Hohensalzburg Fortress
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